Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reusable Diapers

After my daughter was born I decided I wanted to use reusable diapers. Not only are they good for the environment, but they're easy on the wallet too. The average family spends almost $2,400/child on disposables and they all end up in the landfill! In fact, disposable diapers take about 500 years to fully decompose and are the third most common item in our landfills. What a waste!

Before you completely dismiss the idea of using reusables let me take this opportunity to make one thing perfectly clear...reusable diapers have come a long way from the old rectangular cloths that you're picturing in your head. You know the ones I'm talking about... You're more likely to see one of those on a mother's shoulder being used as a burp rag then on a baby's butt! Anyway...

After my normal extensive research I decided to go with the Bum Genius brand diapers. These diapers have stretchy velcro fasteners and snaps that allow you to adjust the size of the diaper as your baby grows. The outside liner is waterproof and the inside lining is super soft. They have worked really well for me and my daughter has had little to no trouble with diaper rash. I ordered 18 of them from for around $600...whoa...did I just say $600!? That's right...but you do the math. If the average person spends $2400/child on disposables...and I spent only $600...then I saved roughly... $1800!!! As a bonus I'm planning on using the same diapers if we have another baby.

We still use disposable diapers when we take our daughter out on the town when we know we'll be out for a while, and at night because disposables are more absorbent over long periods of time. That being said, the reusables are my preferred choice for any situation where she doesn't have to wear the same diaper for countless hours on end.

Hit the links and check them out!

1 comment:

bigskygirls said...

This is great! I don't have any babies yet, but we're hoping soon... So my mom used cloth diapers on me & I never wanted to fill up landfills with store-bought I always knew I would use them too. But I did always picture those old cloth diapers with the elastic plastic underwear over the top that I hated. Anyway, good info! Good to know they've been updated. LOL! Great blog...I'll definitely stop by again & tell my sister. She's a compost fanatic. :)
